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Model Name:AbbyLiYa
Model introduce:Abby李雅,内地平面模特、车模、网络红人,深圳伯乐门文化传播有限公司管理所属,最近流传着她的视频,人气很高。有网友爆料李雅与客人激情酣战,大尺度啪啪啪,那场面比日本动作片来得更加猛烈,视频外泄后,原本小有名气的李雅就成为了网红。李雅的网红性质,许多想老司机都心知肚明,毕竟网上的流言蜚语已经不少了,而且李雅的微博粉丝也不少了。 Abby Li Ya is a popular graphic model, car model and Internet celebrity in mainland China. She is a member of Shenzhen bolemen Culture Communication Co., Ltd. recently, her video has spread and is very popular. Some netizens revealed that Liya was fighting with the guests passionately, and the scene was more violent than that of Japanese action movies. After the video leaked out, Liya, who had a little reputation, became a net celebrity. Many old drivers know Li Ya's online popularity. After all, there are a lot of rumors on the Internet, and Li Ya has a lot of microblog fans.
Model hot:493thousand+hit, A total of download: 15thousand+
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