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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → AnMingRiXiang other name:柚崎明日香 All Pic
Model Name:AnMingRiXiang other name:柚崎明日香
Model introduce:岸明日香,1991年4月11日出生于日本大阪府,女演员。代表作品有《情侣酒店》、《东京玩具箱》、《走马灯株式会社》等。个人资料简介:岸明日香,(きし?あすか)出生于1991年4月11日,三围:90.58.90生日:1991.4.11身高:158,日本写真女优,拥有一对G杯豪乳,更是被网友冠以“双响炮”的外号。有着天真无邪的脸蛋与傲人的魔鬼身材让她迅速就让宅男所疯狂 岸明日香在正式出写真前是一位车模,当时所用的名字是柚崎明日香。虽然是新人,但她可是一点都不怕生,首支DVD刚刚推出就大卖到断货 Kishihiro, born in Osaka Prefecture, Japan on April 11, 1991, is an actress. Representative works include "lovers Hotel", "Tokyo Toy Box", "Zou Ma Deng Co., Ltd." and so on. Personal information: an Mingxiang, (きしあすか) was born on April 11, 1991, Sanwei: 90.58.90, birthday: April 11, 1991, height: 158, a Japanese photo actress, with a pair of g-cup milk, and is also nicknamed "shuangxiangpao" by netizens. With her innocent face and proud devil figure, she quickly made the otaku crazy. Before the official photo, an Asaka was a car model, and the name used at that time was narasaki Asaka. Although she is a newcomer, she is not afraid of life at all. The first DVD was sold out as soon as it was launched
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