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Model Name:AnYouXi
Model introduce:别 名:泡芙小姐姐 生 日:1995-05-23 星 座:双子座身 高:170 体 重:50KG 三 围:B90 W68 H90出 生:中国北京朝阳 职 业:模特 兴 趣:电影详细介绍: 安幼熙,昵称泡芙小姐姐,内地模特,语录:人生如戏,一个人在戏里戏外肯定是不一样的,可怕的事,你不知道自己到底是在戏里,还是戏外… Alias: little sister puff birthday: May 23, 1995 Constellation: Gemini height: 170 weight: 50kg circumference: B90 w68 H90 birth: Chaoyang, Beijing, China occupation: model interest: movie details: An Youxi, nicknamed "little sister of puff", is a model in the mainland. Quote: life is like a play. It's definitely different to be alone in and out of the play. It's terrible. You don't know whether you are in or out of the play;
Model hot:32thousand+hit, A total of download: 1thousand+
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