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Model Name:CenYuQiao
Model introduce:别 名:岑苑之,chenyuanzhi生 日:1991-05-13星 座:金牛座身 高:165体 重:43kg三 围:--出 生:广西河池职 业:平面模特、歌手兴 趣:视频、音乐岑雨桥,旧艺名岑苑之,中国内地平面模特、演员,来自广西河池,中泰混血儿,布依族,是广州闽艺文化传播公司旗下的全能艺人。代表作品有《爱情这杯酒谁喝都得醉》。 Alias: Cen Yuanzhi, chenyuanzhi birthday: May 13, 1991 Constellation: Taurus height: 165 weight: 43kg circumference: - birth: Hechi, Guangxi Occupation: graphic model, singer Xing Interesting: video and music Cen Yuqiao, the old stage name Cen Yuanzhi, is a graphic model and actor from the mainland of China. He is from Hechi, Guangxi. He is a Chinese Thai hybrid and Buyi Nationality. He is an all-round artist of Minyi Culture Communication Company in Guangzhou. His representative works are "love is a cup of wine that anyone can get drunk".
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