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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ChenTianYang All Pic
Model Name:ChenTianYang
Model introduce:别 名:Sandy 生 日:1987-03-24 星 座:白羊座身 高:168 体 重:48 KG 三 围:B82 W60 H86出 生:中国广东广州 职 业:平模模特 兴 趣:旅游、音乐、美食详细介绍: 陈天扬Sandy,内地平面模特,《足球》世界杯塞尔维亚宝贝,KKUI时装、BSO JEANS、麦克阿丹等服饰广告 《COCO》、《啊哈》等杂志平模。 Alias: Sandy birthday: March 24, 1987 Constellation: Aries height: 168 weight: 48 kg circumference: B82 W60 H86 birth: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China occupation: flat model interest: tourism, music, food detailed introduction: Chen Tianyang sandy, mainland graphic model, "football" World Cup Sylvia baby, kkui fashion, BSO jeans, mcadan and other clothing advertisements "Coco", "aha" and other magazines.
Model hot:120thousand+hit, A total of download: 4thousand+
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