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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ChengXiaoFan All Pic
Model Name:ChengXiaoFan
Model introduce:别 名:葛娜 生 日:1992-11-06 星 座:天蝎座身 高:168 体 重:48 KG 三 围:B94 W62 H84出 生:中国 天津市 职 业:模特 兴 趣:摄影、手风琴详细介绍: 程小烦(葛娜),中樱桃专属模特,2010中国体育模特大赛总决赛最佳人气模特,程小烦在模特圈摸爬滚打数年,终于在2010年与某名模公司签约,身价也随之上涨五位数,接下来会与《时装》,《娱乐周刊》、《男人装》、《昕薇》等杂志进行深入合作,并且也有机会进军台湾与香港娱乐圈。 Alias: Ge Na birthday: November 6, 1992 Constellation: Scorpio height: 168 weight: 48 kg circumference: B94 W62 h84 birth: Tianjin, China occupation: model interest: photography, accordion details: Cheng Xiaofan (GE Na), the exclusive model of China cherry, is the best popular model in the finals of 2010 China sports model competition. After several years of struggling in the model circle, Cheng Xiaofan finally signed a contract with a famous model company in 2010, and his price also rose by five figures. Next, he will have in-depth cooperation with magazines such as fashion, entertainment weekly, men's wear, Xinwei, and also have the opportunity Enter the entertainment circle of Taiwan and Hong Kong.
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