Model Name:ChunXiaoXi other name:张雨萌
Model introduce:纯小希,本名张雨萌,1992年2月2日出生于山东,三围:B89(D) W61 H90,现居北京,毕业于北京大学,有着“广告新宠”、“前沿时尚嫩模”之称,拥有“潮范女王”尊称的张雨萌,特别是其凸凹有致的魅惑身材被许多宅男作为求偶标准的不二人选,18岁获得亚洲小姐大赛冠军,中国古典才女选美大赛第一名,推女郎第16期特约模特。 Chun Xiaoxi, whose real name is Zhang Yumeng, was born in Shandong Province on February 2, 1992, with a three circumference of B89 (d) w61 H90, now living in Beijing, graduated from Peking University, is known as the "new favorite in advertising" and "cutting edge fashion model". Zhang Yumeng, who has the honorary title of "Fashion Queen", especially her convex and concave charming figure, is regarded as the only choice for courtship by many otaku men. At 18, she won the champion of Miss Asia contest, won the first place in the Chinese classical beauty contest, and was the special model of the 16th issue of pushgirl .
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