Model Name:CunShangYouLi
Model introduce:别 名:Murakami-Yuri 生 日:1992-11-07 星 座:天蝎座身 高:165 体 重:-- 三 围:B89(E) W58 H84出 生:日本广岛县福山市 职 业:模特、演员 兴 趣:看电影、排球、钢琴详细介绍: 村上友梨(むらかみゆり),日本模特、演员。拥有1/4德国血统的村上友梨,外表甜美、一头乌黑直发,笑容与某些角度与林依晨有些相似,不过她的身高与身材与比林依晨差异很多,身高168公分的高挑体型又有着壮观的E罩杯,以作品写真集『学校女孩子6×7』初次亮相。 Alias: Murakami Yuri birthday: November 7, 1992 Constellation: Scorpio height: 165 weight: - girth: B89 (E) w58 h84 birth: Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan Occupation: model, actor interest: watching movies, volleyball, piano detailed introduction: Haruki Murakami, Japanese model and actor. Haruki Murakami, who has a quarter of German blood, has a sweet appearance, straight black hair and a smile similar to Lin Yichen in some aspects. However, her height and figure are quite different from Lin Yichen. Her tall body with a height of 168 cm also has a spectacular e-cup. She made her debut with the photo album "school girls 6 times; 7".
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