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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → DengXueSweet All Pic
Model Name:DengXueSweet
Model introduce:别 名:Sweet 生 日:-- 星 座:--身 高:173 体 重:46KG 三 围:B83 W60 H86出 生:中国 重庆市江北区 职 业:模特 兴 趣:旅行、看书详细介绍: 邓雪Sweet,内地模特、车模、新浪微米推女神,来自重庆市江北区,自述是流浪歌手的情人,喜欢旅行、看书。 Alias: Sweet birthday: - Constellation: - height: 173 weight: 46kg three circumference: b83 W60 H86 birth: Jiangbei District, Chongqing City, China occupation: model interest: travel, reading detailed introduction: Deng Xue sweet, mainland model, car model, Sina micro push goddess, from Jiangbei District, Chongqing City, self described as the lover of vagrant singers, like to travel, reading.
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