Model Name:DuXiaoYu
Model introduce:别 名:XiaoyuDu 生 日:1994-08-11 星 座:狮子座身 高:165 体 重:45KG 三 围:B90 W60 H95出 生:中国北京 职 业:平面模特 兴 趣:唱歌、画画详细介绍: 杜小雨,内地90后平面模特,现居北京,曾多次参加过各类模特大赛,国内车展、珠宝展等,博得不少摄影师们的认可。 Alias: xiaoyudu birthday: August 11, 1994 Constellation: Leo height: 165 weight: 45kg circumference: B90 W60 H95 birth: Beijing, China occupation: graphic model interest: singing and painting Du Xiaoyu, a post-90s graphic model from the mainland, now lives in Beijing. He has participated in various model competitions, domestic auto shows, jewelry shows, etc. many photographers have recognized him.
Model hot:50thousand+hit, A total of download: 1thousand+