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Model Name:HanYuFei
Model introduce:别 名:韩予妃 生 日:1993-02-14 星 座:水瓶座身 高:168 体 重:49kg 三 围:B86 W61 H96出 生:中国 北京朝阳区 职 业:平面模特 兴 趣:购物详细介绍: 韩雨菲fannie,别名韩予妃,内地平面模特、网络红人、尤果网麻豆,北京星亚兰文化传媒模特,华谊兄弟传媒有限公司设计师。 Alias: Han Yufei birthday: February 14, 1993 Constellation: Aquarius height: 168 weight: 49kg circumference: B86 w61 H96 birth: Chaoyang District, Beijing, China occupation: graphic model interest: shopping details: Han Yufei, also known as Han Yufei, is a mainland graphic model, Internet celebrity, Youguo wangmadou, Beijing xingyalan cultural media model and designer of Huayi Brothers Media Co., Ltd.
Model hot:116thousand+hit, A total of download: 3thousand+
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