Model Name:HeManLi
Model introduce:别 名:-- 生 日:1987-05-23 星 座:双子座身 高:168 体 重:46KG 三 围:B88 W64 H89出 生:中国北京 职 业:电视编导 兴 趣:详细介绍: 何曼丽,北京妞儿,毕业于北京经济管理干部学院,从事电视编导,对于工作每个项目都以饱满的热情去迎接去完成,参加各类节目做嘉宾讨论话题,与大家分享各种心得。 Alias: - birthday: May 23, 1987 Constellation: Gemini height: 168 weight: 46kg circumference: B88 w64 H89 birth: Beijing, China occupation: TV director interest: Details: He Manli, Beijing niu'er, graduated from Beijing Institute of economic management, is a TV director. She welcomes and completes every project with great enthusiasm. She takes part in all kinds of programs, discusses topics and shares various experiences with you.
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