Model Name:JiaMei
Model introduce:别 名:jiamei 生 日:1993-06-08 星 座:双子座身 高:169 体 重:47KG 三 围:B85 W59 H86出 生:中国北京 职 业:模特 兴 趣:详细介绍: 加美,中国内地模特,车展模特 / 婚纱模特 / 形象代言拍摄风格:韩版 / 日系 / 甜美工作城市:北京从业时间:2年 影楼、摄影工作室样片 淘宝服装、妆面模特 《桌游志》封面模特 图书插图 摄影群拍 车展、宴会等 2012网博会完美世界SHOWGIRL 腾讯TNT GIRL Alias: Jiamei birthday: June 8, 1993 Constellation: Gemini height: 169 weight: 47kg circumference: B85 W59 H86 birth: Beijing, China occupation: model interest: detailed introduction: Camry, model in mainland China, auto show model / wedding dress model / image endorsement shooting style: Korean / Japanese / sweet working city: Beijing working time: 2 years Photo studio, photo studio sample Taobao clothing, makeup model "board game" cover model book illustration photo group photo auto show, banquet and other 2012 online Expo perfect world showgirl Tencent TNT girl
Model hot:63thousand+hit, A total of download: 2thousand+