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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → JinYuXi All Pic
Model Name:JinYuXi
Model introduce:别 名:Summer路杨生 日:1995-08-18星 座:狮子座身 高:176体 重:55KG三 围:B90 W70 H78出 生:吉林长春职 业:平面模特、车模兴 趣:健身、听歌金禹熙,旧昵称Summer路杨,内地平面模特,来自吉林长春,2016年长春车展宝马车模,语录:我就是唯一。 Alias: Summer Luyang birthday: August 18, 1995 Constellation: Leo height: 176 weight: 55kg circumference: B90 W70 h78 birth: Changchun, Jilin Occupation: graphic model, car model interest: fitness, listening to music Jin Yuxi, old nickname: Summer Luyang, mainland graphic model, from Changchun, Jilin, BMW car model at Changchun 2016 auto show, quotation: I am the only one.
Model hot:117thousand+hit, A total of download: 3thousand+
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