Model Name:JinZhuoRan
Model introduce:别 名:金云永 生 日:1993-09-06 星 座:处女座身 高:167 体 重:49KG 三 围:B88 W65 H91出 生:中国北京 职 业:歌手、模特 兴 趣:跳舞、唱歌详细介绍: Jewel_Babe,内地歌手、模特,中文名金卓然,别名金云永,花椒女主播(21186104),还是美女组合36D天团成员之一,代表作《谢谢侬》、《朝前宫后》,有时弱不禁风,有时称霸武林。 Alias: Jin Yunyong birthday: September 6, 1993 Constellation: Virgo height: 167 weight: 49kg circumference: B88 w65 h91 birth: Beijing, China occupation: singer and model interest: dancing and singing detailed introduction: Jewel_ Babe is a mainland singer and model. Her Chinese name is Jin zhuoran and her alias is Jin Yunyong. She is the anchor of Zanthoxylum bungeanum (21186104). She is also one of the members of the 36d group. Her representative works "thank you Nong" and "chaoqiangonghou" are sometimes weak and sometimes dominate the Wulin.
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