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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → LiLiSha All Pic
Model Name:LiLiSha
Model introduce:别 名:liShaLi 生 日:1993-12-21 星 座:射手座身 高:172 体 重:-- 三 围:B91(D) W60 H90出 生:中国 陕西咸阳 职 业:推女郎、平面模特 兴 趣:详细介绍: 李丽莎,中国内地模特,推女郎,凭借精致的五官,高挑性感火辣的身材,李丽莎成为知名平面模特,备受宅男网友关注,微博从7月开通到现在粉丝高达7w之多。 Alias: Li Shali birthday: December 21, 1993 Constellation: Sagittarius height: 172 weight: - girth: B91 (d) W60 H90 birth: Xianyang, Shaanxi, China occupation: pushgirl, graphic model interest: detailed introduction: Lisa Li, a model in mainland China, is a pushgirl. With her delicate facial features and tall, sexy and hot figure, Lisa Li has become a well-known graphic model, which has attracted the attention of otaku netizens. Since its launch in July, her micro blog has as many fans as 7W.
Model hot:1077thousand+hit, A total of download: 18thousand+
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