Model Name:LiuTang
Model introduce:别 名:liutang 生 日:1997-03-01 星 座:双鱼座身 高:173 体 重:45KG 三 围:B85 W60 H92出 生:中国北京 职 业:学生、模特 兴 趣:钢琴详细介绍: 刘镗,百度世界杯足球宝贝、平面模特,毕业于北京城市学院,隶属百代星云旗下。高挑的身材可爱的外表,天生就是模特身材比例额。2014BCTF全国网络安全技术对抗赛优胜奖。 Alias: Liutang birthday: 1997-03-01 Constellation: Pisces height: 173 weight: 45kg circumference: B85 W60 h92 birth: Beijing, China occupation: student, model interest: Piano detailed introduction: Liu boring, baidu World Cup soccer baby, graphic model, graduated from Beijing City College, under the banner of EMI Xingyun. Tall figure, lovely appearance, born is the model figure proportion. 2014bctf national network security technology competition winner award.
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