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Model Name:LiuYaXi
Model introduce:刘娅希,英文名:avine,1992年2月1日出生于北京,身高:170CM,体重:49KG,三围:88-66-88CM,毕业于北京联合大学,由于ChinaJoy尺度限制和组委会高压,导致大量showgril包裹的一个比一个严实,唯独牛奶妹刘娅希大尺度内衣上镜!所以引起了不小的轰动,一炮而红。后签约F90女子天团。曾参与新锐昕薇等杂志拍摄以及网络节目嘉宾录制等各类活动。 Liu Yaxi, English Name: avine, born in Beijing on February 1, 1992, height: 170cm, weight: 49kg, circumference: 88-66-88cm, graduated from Beijing Union University. Due to the size limitation of ChinaJoy and the high pressure of the organizing committee, a large number of showgril packages are more and more tight, only Liu Yaxi's large-scale underwear is on camera! So it caused quite a stir and became popular. After signing the f90 women's day group. He has participated in the shooting of Xinrui Xinwei and other magazines as well as the recording of online program guests and other activities.
Model hot:490thousand+hit, A total of download: 16thousand+
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