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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → MeiXinYumi All Pic
Model Name:MeiXinYumi
Model introduce:美昕Yumi, 中国写真女神偶像,白羊座,三围(92/60/88),现在从事职业模特。美昕Yumi身形苗条,皮肤如雪,一双明眸勾魂慑魄,玲珑的身材曲线毕露,诱惑至极。是个性感尤物,她妖娆的身材是大家有目共睹的- 一向以性感著称的美昕Yumi依然走火辣路线,深受粉丝的喜爱,她妩媚的眼神,配上那烈焰红唇,冲击视觉,简直令人没有抵抗力。 Meixin Yumi, Chinese portrait goddess idol, Aries, Sanwei (92 / 60 / 88), is now a professional model. Meixin Yumi has a slim body, snow like skin, charming eyes and exquisite body curve, which is extremely attractive. Is a sexy beauty, her enchanting figure is for all to see - has always been known for sexy Mei Xin Yumi still hot line, loved by fans, her charming eyes, coupled with the fiery red lips, visual impact, it is no resistance.
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