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Model Name:PeiXiXi
Model introduce:别 名:cherrypc 生 日:1993-11-18 星 座:天蝎座身 高:178 体 重:55KG 三 围:B92 W65 H90出 生:中国 上海静安区 职 业:平面模特 兴 趣:舞蹈、游泳详细介绍: 裴希西,内地人气平面模特、车模,毕业于华中师范大学传媒学院。裴希西,巨乳,长腿,一个性感胚子需要的要素她都具备,获得过第八届全国平面模特大赛新秀奖,并在2014年游艇宝贝比赛中获得第三名,随后便成为了各大展会的宠儿。 Alias: cherrypc birthday: November 18, 1993 Constellation: Scorpio height: 178 weight: 55kg circumference: B92 w65 H90 birth: Jing'an District, Shanghai, China occupation: graphic model interest: dance, swimming detailed introduction: Pei Xixi, a popular graphic model and car model in the mainland, graduated from the school of media, Huazhong Normal University. Pei Xixi, with big breasts, long legs and all the necessary elements for a sexy embryo, won the Rookie Award in the 8th National graphic model competition, and won the third place in the yacht baby competition in 2014, and then became the favorite of major exhibitions.
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