Model Name:QiaoKeHan
Model introduce:别 名:Kehan-Qiao生 日:1993-11-04星 座:天蝎座身 高:167cm体 重:43kg三 围:B93 W60 H95出 生:中国北京职 业:平面模特 乔柯涵,英文名:Kehan Qiao,来自于中国北京,职业是平面模特。白色的体操服下,是她根本无法遮挡的火爆魔鬼身材。犹如魔鬼一般灵活的腰身,不停扭动着胯部与镜头互动。天使的甜美面孔,玲珑的腰身,硕大的白色胸脯,真的让我们欲罢不能。 Alias: Kehan Qiao birthday: November 4, 1993 Constellation: Scorpio height: 167CM weight: 43kg circumference: B93 W60 H95 birth: Beijing, China occupation: graphic model Qiao Kehan, English Name: Kehan Qiao, from Beijing, China occupation: graphic model. Under the white gymnastic clothing, is her hot devil figure which cannot cover at all. Like the devil's flexible waist, constantly twisting the crotch and interacting with the camera. Angel's sweet face, exquisite waist, huge white chest, really let us can't stop.
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