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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → RuJiangShaLing All Pic
Model Name:RuJiangShaLing
Model introduce:入江纱绫(Irie Saaya、纱绫) [1] 1993年11月15日出生于日本福冈县北九州市,模特、演员。 [2] 2003年,参演电影《涉谷怪谈4:真实都市传说》 [3] 。2005年2月纱绫与冈田留奈及ジェシカ(不是少女时代的Jessica)组成 Sweet Kiss。2006年3月14日成为集英社所出版的《周刊花花公子》封面女郎,是该周刊最年轻的封面女郎。2011年,Capcom宣布来自日本花花公子的模特演员入江纱绫将作为知名系列“生化危机”的官方形象大使。 Irie Saaya was born on November 15, 1993 in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. She is a model and actor. [2] In 2003, he took part in the film "strange talk about Valley 4: true urban legend" [3]. In February 2005, Shaling, Okada liunai and Osaka (not Jessica in her girlhood) formed sweet kiss. On March 14, 2006, she became the youngest cover girl of Playboy weekly published by Jiying society. In 2011, Capcom announced that SAKAYA inajiang, a model and actor from Japanese playboy, will be the official image ambassador of the well-known series "biochemical crisis".
Model hot:488thousand+hit, A total of download: 9thousand+
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