Model Name:SenXiaYouLi Model introduce:森下悠里(Morishita Yuuri)1985年1月30日出生于日本东京都,日本平面模特。三围90(G) - 55 - 90cm。人气写真女星森下悠里在东京举行一场发行纪念上映会,森下悠里以一袭低胸裹裙性感小裙闪亮登场,大秀其G罩杯丰满身材,娇羞欲滴的撩人姿态,顿时谋杀无数菲林。森下悠里为了显示其S型完美曲线,始终将上半身刻意前倾,大方露出乳沟让媒体拍个不停,将其豪爽开放的性格尽情释放。 Morishita Yuuri, a Japanese graphic model, was born in Tokyo on January 30, 1985. The girth is 90 (g) - 55 - 90cm. Yoshiori mori, a popular photo actress, held a release commemorative screening meeting in Tokyo. She made her debut in a sexy dress with a low cut and wrapped skirt. She showed off her plump figure of g-cup and her coquettish and provocative posture, killing countless films. In order to show his S-shape perfect curve, Yamashita always deliberately tilts his upper body forward and shows his cleavage generously, so as to let the media shoot incessantly and release his forthright and open character. Model hot:878thousand+hit, A total of download: 18thousand+