Model Name:ShanBenYouMei Model introduce:1989年出生的杉本有美,13岁就因为参加时装杂志举办的模特儿比赛得奖入行。虽然身高不到170,但因为一身好比例和精致的五官,2007年开始接拍许多戏剧,曾经在山下智久与北川景子担纲的日剧《零秒出手》中演出,2008年开始朝写真女星发展,并于同年推出第一本写真书。带点大和抚子韵味的她,还因为笑的时候有酒窝而被称为「酒窝美人」,一举一动都让人陶醉啊 Yuki Sugimoto, born in 1989, won a prize at the age of 13 for participating in the model competition held by fashion magazines. Although he is less than 170, because of his good proportion and delicate facial features, he began to shoot many dramas in 2007. He once performed in the Japanese drama "zero second hand" played by Yamashita Zhijiu and Kitagawa Jingzi. In 2008, he began to develop into a photo actress and launched his first photo book in the same year. She is also known as "dimple beauty" because she has dimples when she smiles. Her every move is intoxicating Model hot:871thousand+hit, A total of download: 18thousand+