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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ShenMengYao All Pic
Model Name:ShenMengYao
Model introduce:别 名:加菲猫妈妈、shenmengyao生 日:1993-03-26星 座:白羊座身 高:172体 重:暂缺三 围:暂缺出 生:上海黄浦区职 业:模特兴 趣:暂缺沈梦瑶,昵称加菲猫妈妈,内地平面模特、网络红人,第八届全国平面模特大赛城市直选区冠军,最近某基金公司已经力邀沈梦瑶来为其站台,薛蛮子等人为她投资力捧她,现在已经有多家证券公司的基金经理主动加了沈梦瑶的微信,沈梦瑶也摇身一变成为了证券金融界的红人。 Alias: Garfield mother, shenmingyao birthday: March 26, 1993 Constellation: Aries height: 172 weight: short of circumference: short of birth: Huangpu District, Shanghai Occupation: model Xing Interesting: Shen Mengyao is short of her nickname, mother Garfield. She is a graphic model and Internet celebrity in the mainland. She is the winner of the 8th National graphic model contest. Recently, a fund company has invited Shen Mengyao to come to her platform. Xue Manzi and others have invested in her. Now, many fund managers of securities companies have taken the initiative to add Shen Mengyao's wechat, and Shen Mengyao has also become a success In order to be a celebrity in the securities and financial circles.
Model hot:1652thousand+hit, A total of download: 42thousand+
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