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Model Name:ShiYu
Model introduce:别 名:史雨姐姐 生 日:1994-02-15 星 座:水瓶座身 高:174 体 重:46KG 三 围:B86 W63 H85出 生:安徽合肥 职 业: 购物模特 兴 趣:--详细介绍: 史雨,昵称史雨姐姐,来自安徽合肥,上海博卡公司形象代言人。安徽海神黄酒形象代言人。安徽电视台家家购物模特,有着处女座的特有的完美主义,同时也有着洁癖的倾向,她不轻易妥协,也不浮夸造势,做事脚踏实地也爱憎分明。 Alias: sister Shi Yu birthday: February 15, 1994 Constellation: Aquarius height: 174 weight: 46kg circumference: B86 W63 h85 birth: Hefei, Anhui Occupation: shopping model interest: - Details: sister Shi Yu, nickname: sister Shi Yu, from Hefei, Anhui, image spokesperson of Shanghai Boca company. Anhui Haishen yellow rice wine image spokesperson. Every shopping model in Anhui TV station has Virgo's unique perfectionism, but also has the tendency of cleanliness. She is not easy to compromise, nor boastful, down-to-earth and has a clear love hate relationship.
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