Model Name:TanRuiQi
Model introduce:别 名:Ailsa 生 日:1994-02-03 星 座:水瓶座身 高:166 体 重:47KG 三 围:--出 生:中国湖南长沙 职 业:演员、模特 兴 趣:购物详细介绍: 谭睿琪Ailsa,内地演员、模特,毕业于上海戏剧学院,曾经在2012年快乐女生长沙赛区一曲歌罢掌声雷动,获得了赛区的前50名。 又在2013年上海china joy活动中,以出色的表现和绝佳的容颜成为主办方的主推模特,并成为2014年腾讯游戏女神季主推模特、人人网推荐美女,在万千宅男心中成为女神中的女神。 Alias: Ailsa birthday: February 3, 1994 Constellation: Aquarius height: 166 weight: 47kg circumference: - birth: Changsha, Hunan, China occupation: actor, model interest: shopping details: Tan Ruiqi Ailsa, a mainland actor and model, graduated from Shanghai Drama Academy. She once won the top 50 in the 2012 happy girl competition in Changsha after a song and applause. In the 2013 Shanghai China joy activity, he became the main model of the organizer with excellent performance and excellent appearance, and became the main model of Tencent game goddess season in 2014, and the beauty recommended by, becoming the goddess among thousands of housemen.
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