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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → TianYiYi All Pic
Model Name:TianYiYi
Model introduce:田依依(Tina),出生日期: 1985/05/12 地区:内地女神 星座:金牛座 身 高:165cm 体重:45kg 胸围: 85cm 腰围:63cm 臀围:88cm 身材魅力:翘臀中国内地平面模特,《多拍》杂志平面模特,秀人网模特。美女语录:坚持自己的原则,坚持自己的生活态度。别人怎么看我,和我毫无关系。我要怎么活,也和别人毫无关系。我要快乐生活! Tian Yiyi (Tina), date of birth: 1985 / 05 / 12 region: Mainland goddess Constellation: Taurus height: 165cm weight: 45kg bust: 85CM waist: 63cm hip: 88cm figure Charm: hip warping graphic model in mainland China, graphic model in duopai magazine and model in xiuren.com. Beauty quotations: adhere to their own principles, adhere to their own attitude towards life. What other people think of me has nothing to do with me. How I live has nothing to do with others. I want to live a happy life!
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