Model Name:WangMingMing
Model introduce:别 名:Amy-Wang 生 日:1990-11-02 星 座:天蝎座身 高:172 体 重:50KG 三 围:B93(F) W64 H92出 生:中国 安徽省合肥市 职 业:模特 兴 趣:购物详细介绍: 王明明(Amy Wang),中国内地模特,毕业于安徽艺术职业学院,获得过国际胸膜大赛总冠军。2013旅游小姐大赛直选区亚军第六届平面模特大赛形象大使 ~ 首届17173星跳跃总冠军、2013CJ主推SHOWGIRL,被称为「小柳岩」,并推出首张单曲「日记」。 Alias: Amy Wang birthday: 1990-11-02 Constellation: Scorpio height: 172 weight: 50kg circumference: B93 (f) w64 h92 birth: Hefei City, Anhui Province, China occupation: model interest: shopping details: Amy Wang, a model from the mainland of China, graduated from Anhui Vocational College of Arts and won the championship of International pleura competition. The image ambassador of the sixth graphic model competition, the runner up of the Miss Tourism Competition 2013, the first 17173 star jump champion, and the main promoter of 2013cj, showgirl, are known as "xiaoliuyan", and the first single "diary" is released.
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