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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → WangMoEr All Pic
Model Name:WangMoEr
Model introduce:王沫儿SaSa,香港模特、演员及舞者多重身份的全能艺人,毕业于香港中英文大学,目前是瑞星广告策划公司签约艺人。王沫儿有着娇好的身材和出众的形象,以平面模特身份出道,担任众家杂志专属模特。同时她客串过部多部电影、电视剧,如《喜爱夜蒲2》、《一路向西2》。此外她还陆续代言了《大话西游》、《诛仙》等网游广告。 Wang mor'er Sasa, a Hong Kong model, actor and dancer, graduated from Hong Kong University of Chinese and English, is currently a contract artist of rising advertising planning company. Wang mor'er, with her delicate figure and outstanding image, made her debut as a graphic model and became the exclusive model of many magazines. At the same time, she has guest starred in many films and TV series, such as "love yepu 2" and "all the way west 2". In addition, she has also been endorsing online game advertisements such as "Dahua journey to the west" and "Zhuxian".
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