Model Name:XiXiBaiTu other name:Rubbit-Xixi
Model introduce:百变娇娃,造型多样,幽默风趣,霸屏大屁股,天然D杯,喜欢户外拍摄,爱好广泛,理科毕业,谈资多,平面模特,演员,主播 新人模特@西希白兔首套写真发布,性感多样服饰,飒爽冷艳的妆容搭配魅惑的眼神,彰显其独特的熟女气质,大秀完美身材 She has a variety of shapes, humor, big butt, natural D cup, likes outdoor shooting, has a wide range of hobbies, graduated from science, talks a lot, graphic model, actor, anchor, new model @ Xixi white rabbit's first photo release, sexy and diverse clothing, sallow and cool makeup with charming eyes, showing her unique mature temperament and perfect figure
Model hot:354thousand+hit, A total of download: 4thousand+