Model Name:XiYuan
Model introduce:别 名:安安,Miko生 日:1993-03-25星 座:白羊座身 高:170体 重:50KG三 围:B90 W60 H90出 生:中国北京朝阳区职 业:模特兴 趣:逛街、购物Miko兮媛,新晋人气模特,自出道以来,凭借高贵典雅的气质,清纯甜美的笑容,高挑性感的身材成功进入模特圈,成为各大摄影师的宠儿。 Alias: an an, Miko's birthday: March 25, 1993 Constellation: Aries height: 170 weight: 50kg circumference: B90 W60 H90 birth: Chaoyang District, Beijing, China occupation: model interest: shopping, shopping Miko Xiyuan, a new popular model, since her debut, with noble and elegant temperament, pure and sweet smile, tall and sexy figure, she has successfully entered the model circle and become the favorite of major photographers.
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