Model Name:XiaMoGIGI Model introduce:夏茉GiGi,内地平面模特,来自广东广州,模特出道3年,脸蛋和身材都一级棒,很有潜力成为新的写真女神,夏茉GIGI,具有白皙的皮肤和翘臀同时还具有傲人的双峰,她所拍摄的每一组写真,都带着性感妖娆的姿态诱惑着众人,让看客们都抵抗不住。 Xia Mo Gigi, a mainland graphic model from Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, has been a model for three years. Her face and figure are excellent, and she has great potential to become a new portrait goddess. Xia Mo Gigi, with white skin and cocky buttocks, also has proud double peaks. Every group of photos she shoots tempts people with sexy and enchanting posture, which makes viewers unable to resist. Model hot:605thousand+hit, A total of download: 22thousand+