Model Name:XiaoChiLiNai other name:Rina Koike Model introduce:小池里奈 : Rina Koike 国籍 日本 出生日期 1993年9月3日 教育程度 高中(目前就读中) 三围 B67-W56-H71厘米 身高 154厘米 体重 32公斤 血型 O型(Rh+) 日本女演员、青少年偶像。出身于栃木县小山市,隶属VeryBerry Production事务所。 星座:处女座 兴趣与特长:游泳、Jazz Dance、弹奏钢琴、绘画插图、跳绳 Kokurinai: Rina Koike nationality Japanese date of birth September 3, 1993 education level high school (currently studying) three circumference b67-w56-h71 cm height 154 cm weight 32 kg blood group O (RH +) Japanese actress, teen idol. He was born in Xiaoshan City of tochimu County, affiliated to veryberry production. Constellation: Virgo interests and specialties: swimming, jazz dance, playing piano, drawing illustrations, rope skipping Model hot:340thousand+hit, A total of download: 6thousand+