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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → XuNuoSabrina All Pic
Model Name:XuNuoSabrina
Model introduce:许诺Sabrina(Sabrina) 年龄:22 (属猴) 生日:1992-12-22 星座:魔羯座 血型:B 身高:166 三围:B84 W60 H88 出生:中国 上海徐汇区 职业:平面模特 兴趣:音乐许诺Sabrina,上海瑞丽摄影有限公司模特,许诺Sabrina1992年出生,现常驻上海,作为90后新生代美女模特,因漂亮的脸蛋与性感的身材受到广泛的关注。白皙粉嫩的肌肤,常以露出丰胸乳胸及修长美腿吸引眼球秒杀路人。许诺Sabrina腿型优美也被网友誉为筷子女神。 Promise Sabrina (Sabrina) age: 22 (monkey) birthday: December 22, 1992 Constellation: Capricorn blood type: B height: 166 circumference: b84 W60 h88 birth: Xuhui District, Shanghai, China occupation: Graphic Model Interest: Music promise Sabrina, model of Shanghai Ruili photography Co., Ltd., born in 1992, is now resident in Shanghai. As a new generation of beauty model of post-90s generation, Sabrina is widely concerned for her beautiful face and sexy figure. White and tender skin, often to show breast and slender legs to attract the eye, killing passers-by. Sabrina's beautiful legs are also praised as the goddess of chopsticks by netizens.
Model hot:1708thousand+hit, A total of download: 50thousand+
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