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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → XuYunMei All Pic
Model Name:XuYunMei
Model introduce:许允美(Heo Yun Mi),韩国歌手,也是比较火的车模之一。2007年,许允美推出数码单曲专辑《Booming SWANS!》。许允美参加了Super Race 2010,Scooter Race Championship 2011等多个大型车展。许允美过去曾踏入演艺圈担任歌手,之后则进入模特儿界。平时除了拍摄平面广告、写真、许允美还时常出现在各大卖场,换上性感火辣的展场女郎服装,展现甜美笑容与E奶姣好身材,与现场观众一起同乐,轻松炒热现场气氛。 Ho Yun MI, a Korean singer, is also one of the more popular car models. In 2007, Xu Yunmei released the digital single album "boosting swans!". Xu Yunmei participated in several large auto shows such as Super Race 2010, scooter Race Championship 2011, etc. In the past, Xu Yunmei entered the performing arts circle as a singer, and then entered the modeling industry. Usually, in addition to shooting print ads, portraits and Xu Yunmei, they often appear in the major stores, changing into sexy and hot exhibition girls' clothes, showing sweet smile and e-milk's good figure, enjoying the scene with the audience, and easily stir up the scene atmosphere.
Model hot:230thousand+hit, A total of download: 6thousand+
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