Model Name:YanAiZe
Model introduce:别 名:yanaizhe生 日:1995-08-01星 座:狮子座身 高:173体 重:49kg三 围:B94 W60 H89出 生:中国 北京职 业:平面模特兴 趣:It数码颜爱泽,内地新晋嫩模、演员、秒拍达人,毕业于中国传媒大学,平时从事平面,走秀,会展等工作。颜爱泽有着173的大高个,却一点也不高冷,不光长相甜美,更重要的是,拥有着D罩杯这样傲人的身段。 Alias: yanaizhe birthday: August 1, 1995 Constellation: Leo height: 173 weight: 49kg girth: B94 W60 H89 birth: Beijing, China occupation: graphic model interest: it digital Yan aize, mainland new young model, actor, second shooting talent, graduated from Communication University of China, usually from graphic, show, exhibition and other work. Yan aize is 173 big and tall, but not cold at all, not only looks sweet, more importantly, has such a proud body as D cup.
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