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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → YiLiNa All Pic
Model Name:YiLiNa
Model introduce:别 名:Lina-Yi 生 日:-- 星 座:--身 高:170 体 重:-- 三 围:--出 生:中国 广东广州 职 业:平面模特 兴 趣:详细介绍: 伊莉娜,内地平面模特,中国乌克兰混血儿,天生丽质身材窈窕曼妙,肤色白皙而细嫩,既有乌克兰的娇俏精致,又不失中国传统美女的明洁灵动。 Alias: Lina Yi birthday: - Constellation: - height: 170 weight: - girth: - birth: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China occupation: graphic model interest: Details: Irina, a graphic model from the mainland, is a Chinese Ukrainian hybrid. She is naturally beautiful, slim and graceful, with white and delicate skin. She has both Ukrainian delicacy and Chinese traditional beauty's bright and smart.
Model hot:224thousand+hit, A total of download: 4thousand+
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