Model Name:YuanGanHui other name:原幹惠 Mikie Hara
Model introduce:原干惠,日本新潟县岩船郡神林村人,出生于1987年07月03日,16岁时全日本国民的美少女大赛出身,美少女CLUB31成员,原干惠2003年出道以来凭借傲人G罩杯和亮丽外表一直非常受欢迎,原干惠常常参加的娱乐节目有《恋爱百景》《娱乐生活笑百科》等,也饰演了几部电影如:《恋爱百景》《有你在的夏天》《高校痞子田中》。也在多家日本知名图站的套图出现(如:YS Web,bomb tv,DGC等),图片以妩媚爆乳居多,身材火辣劲爆相当有看点 Hara Ganhui, a native of Shenlin village, Iwate Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, was born on July 3, 1987. At the age of 16, she was a member of all Japanese girls' beauty competition. She has been very popular since her debut in 2003 with her proud g-cup and beautiful appearance. She often participates in entertainment programs such as "love 100 scenes" and "entertainment life laugh encyclopedia" and plays several roles Movies such as "love", "summer with you" and "College ruffian Tanaka". It has also appeared in a number of well-known Japanese map stations (such as ys web, bomb TV, DGC, etc.). Most of the pictures are charming and hot
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