Model Name:YueYue
Model introduce:别 名:李红菊生 日:1996-06-15星 座:双子座身 高:175体 重:55 KG三 围:暂缺出 生:山东济南职 业:平面模特兴 趣:暂缺李红菊,昵称模特悦悦,来自山东济南,语录:接旅拍,外拍,山东大波妹子,性格豪爽,干脆。 Alias: Li Hongju birthday: 1996-06-15 Constellation: Gemini height: 175 weight: 55 kg circumference: temporary lack of birth: Jinan, Shandong occupation: graphic model interest: temporary lack of Li Hongju, nickname model Yueyue, from Jinan, Shandong Province, quotation: take a trip, take a photo, Shandong Dabo sister, straightforward character, straightforward.
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