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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → YumiYouMei All Pic
Model Name:YumiYouMei
Model introduce:别 名:Ann尤美 生 日:1993-07-30 星 座:狮子座身 高:162cm 体 重:-- 三 围:B82(C) W56 H83出 生:四川成都 职 业:模特、淘女郎 兴 趣:美食详细介绍: Ann尤美,内地平面模特、淘女郎,毕业于四川大学工商管理,目前是淮安市光速传媒广告有限公司签约模特。 女神语录:唯有美食与爱不可辜负。 Alias: Ann Youmei birthday: July 30, 1993 Constellation: Leo height: 162cm weight: - girth: B82 (c) w56 h83 birth: Chengdu, Sichuan Occupation: model, taonu girl interest: Food details: Ann Youmei, mainland graphic model, taonu girl, graduated from industrial and commercial management of Sichuan University, is currently a signed model of Huai'an light speed Media Advertising Co., Ltd. Goddess quotations: only food and love can live up to.
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