Model Name:ZhangXinYuan
Model introduce:别 名:zhangxinyuan 生 日:1993-04-15 星 座:白羊座身 高:174 体 重:48kg 三 围:B88 W60 H89出 生:中国 北京 职 业:平面模特 兴 趣:逛街、购物详细介绍: 张辛苑,90后新晋嫩模,曾获得2011届世界最佳模特大赛中国赛区时尚魅力奖,2011中国内衣模特大赛十佳等荣誉,人气像男人的战斗力一样飙升。 Alias: zhangxinyuan birthday: April 15, 1993 Constellation: Aries height: 174 weight: 48kg circumference: B88 W60 H89 birth: Beijing, China occupation: graphic model interest: shopping Zhang Xinyuan, a new model of post-90s generation, has won the 2011 world best model competition China fashion charm award, 2011 China underwear model competition top 10 and other honors. His popularity soars like a man's fighting power.
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