Model Name:ZhangYou
Model introduce:张优(Ayoyo),模特兼演员,江苏连云港人,毕业于江苏师范大学制药工程本科专业,后进入上海戏剧学院。本是工科出身的张优凭借F罩杯的魔鬼身材和时而性感,时而清纯的韵味,先是获得了2011全国平面模特大赛新秀奖,世界小姐入围奖,然后成为了ChinaJoy的人气showgirl,然后又成了不少网游作品的代言人和电视节目的嘉宾,2011年ChinaJoy网龙展台主推showgirl和2011年《征途》代言人开启了演艺事业道路。而她拍摄的大尺度写真更是让她的人气更上一层楼。 Ayoyo, a model and actor from Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, graduated from Jiangsu Normal University, majoring in pharmaceutical engineering, and then entered Shanghai Drama College. Zhang you, who originally graduated from engineering, first won the Rookie Award of the 2011 national graphic model contest and the Miss World shortlisted award, then became the popular showgirl of ChinaJoy, and then became the spokesperson of many online game works and the guest of TV programs. In 2011, showgirl was the main product of ChinaJoy's online dragon show, and in 2011, Zheng you was the main product of the show The spokesperson of "journey" opened the way of performing arts career. And the large-scale photo she shot made her more popular.
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