Model Name:ZhangZiRan
Model introduce:别 名:zhangziran 生 日:1993-11-26 星 座:射手座身 高:163 体 重:46KG 三 围:B89 W62 H91出 生:中国北京 职 业:演员、模特 兴 趣:唱歌、表演详细介绍: 张梓然,90后人气嫩模、演员,高挑性感的身材以及天使般美丽的脸庞,注定她将是一名抢手热门的模特。 Nickname: zhangziran birthday: November 26, 1993 Constellation: Sagittarius height: 163 weight: 46kg three circumference: B89 W62 h91 birth: Beijing, China occupation: actor, model interest: singing, performance detailed introduction: Zhang Ziran, popular young model and actor of post-90s, tall and sexy figure and angel like beautiful face, is destined to be a hot model.
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