Model Name:ZhaoYiTong
Model introduce:别 名:Yitong-Zhao 生 日:1992-01-02 星 座:魔羯座身 高:175 体 重:-- 三 围:B98-W69-H94出 生:中国天津 职 业:模特 兴 趣:看书、看电影详细介绍: 赵伊彤,中国内地平面模特、演员,毕业于天津理工大学,北京电影学院在读。2011年受邀拍摄moko美女榜,且在moko美女榜一直排名第一名。随后代言《封神榜》、网游《神鬼传奇》、lamiu内衣等品牌,人气大涨,火速蹿红,很受商家青睐。 Alias: Yitong Zhao birthday: 1992-01-02 Constellation: Capricorn height: 175 weight: - girth: b98-w69-h94 birth: Tianjin, China occupation: model interest: reading books and watching movies detailed introduction: Zhao Yitong, a graphic model and actor in mainland China, graduated from Tianjin University of technology and studying in Beijing Film Academy. In 2011, he was invited to shoot Moko beauty list, and has been ranked first in Moko beauty list. After that, he became the spokesperson of "Fengshenbang", online game "Legend of gods and ghosts", lamiu underwear and other brands. His popularity soared and became very popular, which was very popular with businesses.
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