Model Name:ZhongCunJingXiang Model introduce:中村静香(Nakamura Shizuka)三围:85 - 60 - 86 cm,日本综合女艺人、美少女写真模特,1988年9月9日出生于日本京都府。效力于オスカ抓恁猢‘ション(Oscar Promotion)旗下。2003年参选第9届全日本国民的美少女征选会本选出场,美少女组合31、ティ螗ēぅ福═een Age)组合的成员之一,在2003年及2004年蝉联日本《VideoBoy》杂志年度性感女艺人第一名,入选2010日本胸悍性感模特11人。中村静香身材丰腴,笑容甜美,长相可人,曾与日本老牌玉女原 Nakamura Shizuka, a Japanese comprehensive female artist and model of beautiful girls, was born in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan on September 9, 1988. He works under the Oscar promotion. In 2003, she took part in the 9th all Japanese women's beauty contest. In 2003 and 2004, she won the first place of sexy female artist of the year in Japanese video boy magazine, and was selected as one of the 11 Japanese sexy models in 2010. Nakamura has a plump figure, a sweet smile and a lovely face. She once worked with Japanese old lady Hara Model hot:552thousand+hit, A total of download: 11thousand+