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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ZouJingJing other name:Rina 邹晶晶Rina 邹晶晶女王 All Pic
Model Name:ZouJingJing other name:Rina 邹晶晶Rina 邹晶晶女王
Model introduce:邹晶晶,1990年11月13日出生在湖北武汉的一个书香门第,90后人气嫩模、演员、主持人。邹晶晶纤细的腰肢、修长的美腿、白皙的皮肤和迷离的眼神被广大媒体和宅男亲切的称为“宅男女神”及“性感教主”。 Zou Jingjing, born in a scholarly family in Wuhan, Hubei Province on November 13, 1990, is a popular young model, actor and host of the post-90s generation. Zou Jingjing's slender waist, slender legs, white skin and blurred eyes are affectionately called "otaku goddess" and "sexy Godmaster" by the media and otaku.
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