Model Name:ZuoZuoMuXi other name:渡部希 Sasaki Nozomi Model introduce:佐佐木希,日本超人气模特,不但长相甜美可人,散发清纯气质,还有很好的音乐鉴赏能力,在2006年还成为全日本女子高中生制服比赛最高奖得主。2009年5月6日,有媒体称罗志祥桃色门女主角照片疑为日本女优佐佐木希。佐佐木希作为“最美丽面孔日本美女”入选美国电影网站"TC Candler"“2010年最美丽的脸100人”排行榜(MOST BEAUTIFUL FACES 2010)。 Sasaki, a popular model in Japan, not only has a sweet face and pure temperament, but also has a good music appreciation ability. In 2006, Sasaki became the highest prize winner in the uniform competition of all Japanese female high school students. On May 6, 2009, some media said that the photo of Luo Zhixiang's peach door heroine was suspected to be Japanese actress Sasaki. Sasaki, as "the most beautiful Japanese Beauty", was selected in the most beautiful faces 2010 of TC Candler. Model hot:361thousand+hit, A total of download: 9thousand+