Model Name:AiLiLi other name:艾栗栗栗栗栗栗吖
Model introduce:别 名:Ellie 艾栗栗栗栗栗栗吖 生 日:1996-11-08 星 座:天蝎座身 高:168 体 重:43kg 三 围:B83 W60 H86出 生:中国北京东城区 职 业:学生、模特、推女郎 兴 趣:--详细介绍: Ellie艾栗栗,内地平面模特,学生,推女郎第69期明星模特,是一位窈窕匀称,起伏有致有主张、有笑容的精彩女孩。 Alias: Ellie Ellie birthday: November 8, 1996 Constellation: Scorpio height: 168 weight: 43kg girth: b83 W60 H86 birth: Dongcheng District, Beijing, China occupation: student, model, pushgirl interest: - Details: Ellie Ellie, a mainland graphic model, student, No.69 star model, is a graceful, well proportioned, undulating, assertive and smiling girl.
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