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Model Name:AKB48
Model introduce:AKB48 是由秋元康担任制作人的日本大型女子音乐组合,成立于2005年12月8日。AKB48共由59名正式成员组成,并被分为4个组(Team A,Team K,TeamB和Team4),每组有16名成员(Team4目前只有11人,不足由研究生替补)。在秋叶原拥有名为AKB48剧场之专用剧场,每一Team成员交替地几乎每日于此进行公演。其在2010年被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为“世界上最多成员的流行团体”。 AKB48 is a large Japanese women's music group with Akira as producer, which was founded on December 8, 2005. AKB48 is composed of 59 full-time members, and is divided into four groups (team a, team K, team B and team 4), with 16 members in each group (team 4 has only 11 members, not enough to be replaced by graduate students). In Akihabara, there is a special theater called AKB48 theater, where every team member performs alternately almost every day. In 2010, it was certified by Guinness World Records as "the most popular group in the world".
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